Nonprofit Annual Economic Statement
Organization: Community Matters
Our fiscal year: July – June
Our EIN: 68-0369720
1. Name of the CEO or employee who has daily managerial responsibilities:
a. Erica Vogel, CEO
2. Names of officers and directors, and all other boards of directors on which
they serve:
a. Ellen Bailey – President
b. Britney Urbanek – Vice President
c. Ryan Davis – Treasurer & Finance Committee Chair
d. Erin Williams – Secretary
e. John Chino – Strategic Relations Chair
f. Kirstyne Lange
g. Ilene Fortune
h. Manuel Tah Pech
i. Tramaine Austin-Dillon (also serves on the Rohnert Park, CA Planning Commission)
j. Bianca Rose
k. Greg Tate
3. Total budget and expenditures, and a program-by-program description of all
monies expended or budgeted during calendar or fiscal year:
a. ProPublica – Community Matters listing
4. Letter from the IRS showing our valid nonprofit status:
a. IRS 501 (c) 3 Determination Letter
5. Most recent federal tax return filed under Section 990:
a. Form 990 – FY 2022-23
6. Verification of current valid registration with the State of California’s Registry of Charitable Trusts:
a. State of California’s Registry of Charitable Trusts – Community Matters listing
7. Audited financial statement:
a. Audited Financial Statement 2023-24