ATOD (Alcohol, Tobacco & Other Drugs) Prevention – Virtual Training

This program is a student-centered model that educates diverse social leaders with the skills to intervene with their peers around the unsafe use of ATOD with emphasis on vaping and e-cigs.

This virtual training via Zoom combines interactive instruction, videos, slides, and small and large group discussions, covering making healthy choices, positive and negative peer influence, and community building activities.

Included are activities for building the following skills:

  • Upstander Skills – Awareness, Recognition and Taking Action
  • Self-regulation including mindfulness
  • Critical thinking skills for ATOD marketing toward youth
  • Building strong communities
  • Compassion for others
  • Healthy decision making

Outcomes – By the end of this training, participants will be:

  • Empowered to make healthy choices about ATOD use
  • Motivated to speak up when they see ATOD use and misuse
  • Prepared to intervene and support others effectively when there is ATOD use
  • Well informed and equipped on the realities and outcomes of vaping and e-cigarettes

Group size: 5 adults and 30 middle or high school students

Timeframe: 8 hours of content (two 4-hour days or four 2-hour days)

Contact us to learn more or to schedule this program.