Safe School Ambassadors® Program – Virtual Training

Training Framework

The interactive virtual SSA training is delivered on-line via Zoom over five 2-hour modules.

For Safe School Ambassadors Initial trainings: Up to 40 new student Ambassadors and 5-7 adults are trained. Both adults and students participate in all five modules. Adults meet with the trainer for an additional 1 hour for implementation support and guidance.

For Safe School Ambassadors Expansion trainings: Up to 40 new student Ambassadors and 5-7 adults.
During Module 5 only: Up to 12 Veteran Ambassadors may be invited to participate in this final module and share their experiences as Safe School Ambassadors as well as welcome the new Ambassadors to their group.

Training Content

Module 1: Foundation & Community Building

Ambassadors will begin creating connections with each other, adult leaders and their trainer. They will learn the SSA Program principles and the overview of the Ambassador role. Ambassadors will begin to learn how to notice types of mistreatment including mistreatment that has occurred at school and in the wider online community. Through hands on and interactive activities, Ambassadors will explore the effects of mistreatment in their own school community and understand their own roles in receiving, perpetrating, and witnessing mistreatment. After discussing the negative costs to themselves and their communities, students are empowered to start their Ambassador work.

Module 2: The Ambassador Job and Actions

Ambassadors continue building connections and bonds with their fellow students and adult participants. They learn about the 4 elements of their Ambassador jobs and Ambassador actions starting with Balancing and Supporting. Ambassadors engage in role plays to practice the actions using real scenarios from their school.

Module 3: Ambassador Actions

During this module Ambassadors continue learning about and practicing age appropriate Ambassador actions which may include Reasoning, Distracting, Directing

Module 4: Listening and Getting Help

During this module participants continue learning about and practicing Ambassador actions including Active Listening and Getting Help. Students are given the opportunity to participate in listening circles to further their own understanding and empathy of mistreatment. They will also develop an understanding of why and how to Get Help when problems are too big for them to handle on their own.

Module 5: Implementation and Review

During the final module, Ambassadors will formalize the bonds they have developed over the past 5 days. For expansion trainings, up to 12 Veteran Ambassadors may be invited to participate in this final module and share their experiences as Safe School Ambassadors as well as welcome the new Ambassadors to the SSA family. Ambassadors review the information they have learned and prepare for their role as Ambassadors throughout the school year and beyond.

Family Groups:

After the training, Ambassadors will continue to meet with each other and their Adult Facilitators in Family Groups (either on-line or in-person). Best practice is to have this meeting occur weekly. The agendas for the Virtual Family Groups will be shared with the Adult Facilitators, who have participated in the SSA training.

For more information and to schedule this program:
Contact LeeAnn Lichnovsky at 707-823-6159 x111 or email